1 1/2 C butter (room temp) no margarine I used 250gm of butter
2 1/2 C granulated sugar ( I like to use raw sugar in this one) I used 2 cups of sugar
5 eggs
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
3 C all purpose flour (for a lighter cake, use 2 C flour and 1 1/4 C cake flour)
3/4 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 C milkDirections
In mixer, cream butter and sugar on high speed until light and fluffy.
In seperate bowl, wisk together flour, salt, and baking powder.
Set aside.
On medium speed, add eggs, one at a time, to the butter mixture,
making sure each egg is mixed in before adding the next.
Scrape down the sides and bottom of bowl and mix again.
Mix in vanilla, or any other flavoring you want (almond, orange, lemon, rose water).
Add flour mixture and milk to the wet ingredients, alternating the two, starting with the flour. (1/3 flour, then 1/3 milk...etc.)
Scrape sides and bottom of bowl again and give it another quick mix.
Pour into your greased and floured pans.
Bake at 350 for about 35 minutes, until the middle is firm, the top is golden, and the sides pull slightly away from the pan. A toothpick should come out clean (about 160 degrees in the middle). I baked at 180 degrees celsius in my oven for 35 minutes.
This makes about 7 1/2 C batter, which will fill two 8 inch rounds or one 6 inch and one 9 inch. This would fill one big rectangle.
When the cakes are finished, let them sit in the pans for a couple of minutes, and then turn them out onto wire racks to cool. Be sure to use cardboard or another wire rack to flip the cakes over. If you try to pick this up while its warm, it will break. I like to turn my cakes out onto a cake board and then turn it onto the wire rack so that the top side of the cake is up. Spray your wire racks with non stick spray so that you can easily move the cakes when they are cooled.
When you grease your cake pans, be sure never to grease with butter. Butter burns. Always use shortening. I like to use non hydrogenated shortening and the baking sprays with flour in them are wonderful and fast!. My cakes never stick when I use the sprays.
verdict for this cake: YUmmilicious
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